Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Week 6 Thing 15

These articles on Web 2.0, Library 2.0, and the future of libraries were very eye-opening. It's something that I think about quite a bit. There are many people who still view the library in a traditional sense--a building with books. I would like to think that it would always be like this, but at the same time the articles made a lot of sense. We need to be aware or actually get out there and ask patrons what type of tecnology do they need and then think of ways that we can provide it or make it accessible--could there be links to youtube, facebook, or blogthis on certain computers? I think the library does a wonderful job with keeping up with the technology onslaught and this training makes it possible for staff at all levels to get an introduction and feel competent with the new trends. I do agree with not buying technology just to buy it because there are issues with laws and safety when providing computers for the public, but there is also a need to know what they(the public) are doing so we can join in. In other words, I will not feel inferior to my 6-year-old just because he knows how to program the DVD player!

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