Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Week 8 Thing 19

This was really cool! There were a lot of sites on the Web 2.0 Awards List that I really liked. My favorite was which is a site that makes data useful in a visual way using graphs and charts. It was listed under the Visual Arts heading which had another site called, which if you are artistically inclined and love color is a neat site. Two others that caught my eye were Peertrainer--good for having a buddy for working out and getting workout info, and guess the google, under 'Fun Things' was really fun to play. There are so many out there, but some did require a log-in or signup, some were useful and other were more fun ways to pass the time. There were several that could apply to the library setting that involved tagging and community discussions and parents also. This was a good learning experience.

1 comment:

Stella said...

One more week to go! MP3 player, here she comes!!