Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Week 7 Thing 16

Looking at other libraries Wikis and the innovative ways they are used was an eyeopening experience. I liked how the SJCPL Library used theirs as a Subject Guide but also included interaction with librarians, links to every subject including geneology, links to hobbies (which showed new books, programs, and other resources), and the wiki was very user friendly with a search box, toolbox, and navigation links. Some of the other Wikis were a little more high tech in that they used things like tagging and tabs and included explanations for more techi stuff like 'Twitter'. Bull Run Library at the very bottom of their wiki had links to Digg and Del.ici.ous and had recent PBwiki Blog Posts to link to. Every wiki is different as far as what can be offered however, they are a highly useful tool because they are user friendly for the public to interact with the library. In one article it was suggested that schools and teachers use them more in education and communicating with parents and students. That would be phenomenal!

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